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Mike Tragseiler
Director of Client Development
Cincinnati, Ohio

  • What company do you work for?  I am the Director of Client Development at Hixson Architecture, Engineering, Interiors.
  • Where is your office located? Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • How long have you been a member of the IKO Chapter? One year officially…been somewhat active with/through my co-worker for about 3 years.
  • What is/was your primary reason for joining CoreNet Global?  Being a service provider, I am interested in learning more about the roles of the people that I am reaching out to. I want to understand what’s important to them in a design partner; what are some of the challenges and obstacles that they are faced with, etc. I also like to meet new people to continue to grow my network.
  • What is one thing others would find interesting about you (personally or professionally)?  I left my engineering career to attend culinary school. I graduated with a culinary diploma in 2010!
  • If you could do any job in the world, other than what you do now, what would that be (ie. your dream job) Anything involving food…as long as I wouldn’t have to work nights and weekends!
  • What are your hobbies?  Cooking; golfing; watching TV and hanging out with my family.
  • What words of advice would you give to young professionals entering into the corporate real estate world today?  
    • Seek out a mentor;
    • Get busy creating your personal network – create connections with people who you look up to, or have different experiences and perspectives than you; 
    • Ask for help – it’s my experience that people like to help other people, both personally and professionally…don’t be afraid to ask for help! See #1 and #2 above!
    • Learn how to cook!

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